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2014-06 05/23/14 S&C-14-31-EHR Navigator for Hospital/CAH surveys
2014-07 06/03/14 S&C-14-26-Long term care hospitals (LTCH) moratorium preliminary instructions
2014-09 06/03/14 S&C-14-27-Hospital restraint/seclusion deaths reported using centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) form (CMS)-10455, report of hospital death associated with restraint or seclusion
2014-11 07/02/14 CMS S&C-14-36dated May 30, 2014 ~ Infection control breaches which warrant referral to public health
2014-13 08/29/14 CMS S&C-14-44 dated August 29, 2014 ~ change in terminology and update of survey and certification memorandum 09-55 regarding immediate use steam sterilization (IUSS) in surgical settings
2014-14 08/29/14 CMS S&C-14-41 dated August 8, 2014 ~ critical access hospital (CAH) equipment maintenance requirements
2014-15 12/04/14 CMS S&C:15-12 ~ Hospital public release of three hospital surveyor worksheets